Storing previous urls and doing friendly redirects in phoenix

When we have an application with authorization/authentication functionality in place, there are some cases when we may want redirect a user to the url he was previously visiting before logging in. This article shows how use plugs to achieve that in Phoenix.


We are going to use the following strategy:

  1. Always store the last url of a GET request in a session variable.

  2. When a user signs up or logs in redirect him to that stored url.

Storing url in a session

We want to store the url of every get request that is not related to creating a new user or a new session. For this example we will asume we have REST user, session and password_reset routes, such as the ones used by the phauxth library. In this case, we would like to avoid storing the following routes:

    GET     /sessions/new       
    GET     /password_resets/new
    GET     /password_resets/edit

For storing the url we are going to use session storage. Session storage only stores data until user closes the tab he is currently browsing. This makes the most sense for our use case as we do not want the user to log in and get redirected to a page he may have visited some days ago.

With all this in mind, we could write a FriendlyRedirect module that exposes store_path_in_session/2 to act as a plug. In order to do that, the function needs to take a %Plug.Conn{} struct and an options variable as arguments, and return another Plug.Conn{} struct, to be passed to the next plug in the pipeline.

    defmodule MyApp.FriendlyRedirect do
      import Plug.Conn

      def store_path_in_session(conn, _) do
        # Get HTTP method and url from conn
        method = conn.method
        path = conn.request_path

        # If conditions apply store path in session, else return conn unmodified 
        case {method, storable?(path)} do
          {"GET", true} ->
            put_session(conn, :firendly_redirect_path, path)
          {_, _} ->

      defp storable?(path) do
        !(url =~ r/user|session|password_resets/)

We can make the module available in the router by importing it in its corresponding function in lib/my_app.ex.

    def router do
     quote do
       use Phoenix.Router
       import Plug.Conn
       import Phoenix.Controller
       import MyApp.FriendlyRedirect

We then call the store_path_in_session/2 function as a plug in the :browser pipeline of our router.

    pipeline :browser do


Now that we are storing the url, we have to redirect to it when the signup is successful. Let’s add a public method to our previously defined module that gets the stored path or gives a default if no stored path is found.

defmodule MyApp.FriendlyRedirect do
  def target_path(conn) do
    target_path = 
      get_session(conn, :login_retargeting_path) || 

  defp default_retargeting_path do

Then on sign up/log in, we would redirect to that path inside the corresponding controller action:

    redirect conn, to: FriendlyRedirect.target_path(conn)